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Posts Tagged ‘Council of Europe

China Wants UN To Help Trace Sources On Internet

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So there won’t be any anonymity in the web:

“A United Nations agency is quietly drafting technical standards, proposed by the Chinese government, to define methods of tracing the original source of Internet communications and potentially curbing the ability of users to remain anonymous. The U.S. National Security Agency is also participating in the ‘IP Traceback’ drafting group, named Q6/17, which is meeting next week in Geneva to work on the traceback proposal. Members of Q6/17 have declined to release key documents, and meetings are closed to the public. The potential for eroding Internet users’ right to remain anonymous, which is protected by law in the United States and recognized in international law by groups such as the Council of Europe, has alarmed some technologists and privacy advocates. Also affected may be services such as the Tor anonymizing network.”

Slashdot | China Wants UN To Help Trace Sources On Internet.

Related posts: CHRC launches independent review on hate messaging on the internet h/t Larry Borsato. So the question is: what is hate messaging? Telling a member of the Governement “you’re an asshole”? Or considering Mohammed a pedophile?

Written by Claudia

September 16, 2008 at 10:56 pm